Summer is here, and so is Blog Week #5!

My passion for conjuring, illusion theatre, and Variety entertainment continues to thrive. This blog offers a blast from the past and a review of the new, for all ages. It’s been a crazy week of gigs one of the best by far was at the top of Manchester HiltonCloud 23. What a view from up there.

This week’s Showbiz Tip #4 (if you’re into magic) Don’t just watch magicians… watch all types of entertainment – Art is subject to impression and interpretation. Watch the classics!

After the British Magical Championships, my first major gig was at Alton Towers, performing street magic well before David Blaine pioneered and brought it screaming to the mainstream media. I worked the streets of Towers day and night and learned my craft the ONLY way in know… the hard way! GRAFT!

At 17, I took my talent to the ships, turning 18 backstage with some amazing young dancers. Above is a photo shoot I did with Take That’s photographer. The company involved with Take That tried to book me as Merlin on a major cruise, but I was already committed elsewhere. ” I was young” she, (the photographer) asked me to undo the jeans!!! Yikes Also the last B/W image was inspired by George Michael’s solo album cover… Older.

Speaking of street magic, many greats paved the way long before David Blaine, with Max Malini and Paul Zennon being prime examples. If you’re interested in magic, I highly recommend exploring Max Malini, and Paul Zennon and their remarkable work. Paul Zennon was a huge inspiration to me growing up! Both are pioneers in my mind.

The past few years have been both challenging and wonderful. Forced to my limits (no magic “card forcing” pun intended), I’ve discovered I thrive under pressure. This resilience seems to come from deep within. Reflecting on my childhood inspiration, “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” stands out. This unique film by Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg, blending live-action and animation, captivated me completely. I watched it three times with my mom and even had my bedroom decorated like Roger Rabbit’s world, complete with themed bed sheets and a pillowcase. If you haven’t seen this movie, go watch it now! Here’s the advert—a masterpiece of comedy, cartoon artistry, and movie magic.

So where did “Illusia” come from??? How did I create old friend and character Zooka (Mr Z to those in the know).

Well….Creating new projects often involves some chaos before clarity. For those wanting an in-depth look at my process, I’m launching a program on Patreon. You’ll get exclusive insights and behind-the-scenes access, potentially inspiring the next generation. 

This week’s video: Growing up, I was a huge fan of Paul Daniels, and it was a privilege for my ex-wife and me to perform at his final booked venue before his passing. We paid tribute to him alongside the Grumbleweeds, Bernie Clifton, and Adam Press. He is truly a British magic legend. Here’s a classic routine – Enjoy!

The book of the week – Has to be “Street Magic” By Paul Zennon. This is an Amazing book don’t underestimate the knowledge shared here. 

May God Bless your day. Feel free to comment or reach out; I welcome your thoughts and interactions.

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